Jenelle Lee

Jenelle Lee is a local – born and raised in La Crosse. She has had a lifetime of interest and passion for health and wellness in many forms, starting with earning a BS in Community Health Education. And, since 1983 Jenelle has been sharing her passion with La Crosse and beyond through various avenues and fitness classes. Previously she might have been found teaching exercise classes on vacation at all-inclusive resorts. Currently, on top of teaching yoga at The Yoga Place in La Crosse, she also teaches Yoga, Tai Chi, and Pilates in La Crescent, MN where she now lives.
The only yoga Jenelle has ever practiced is Iyengar Yoga and has never needed to search elsewhere. Her start at The Yoga Place seemed to be meant to be when she and Chris Saudek worked in the same place and ran into each other in La Crescent. She took it as a sign that she should check out The Yoga Place classes and immediately was hooked. She loved to learn about how the asanas (poses) effect the body in different ways, the basis of alignment, and was willing to put in the hard work and dedication to practice. She has been at The Yoga Place ever since (almost 18 years) as a student and has now been a teacher for almost 10 years!
Jenelle’s teaching is clear and engaging and her demonstrations are inspiring! She of course has all her experience behind her in front of different classes and students, so she is at ease and has a sense of humor as she encourages her students to do more! Her hope is of course to educate her students and share her passion for yoga.
Jenelle is also on a mission to educate others about all the harmful products on the market, including the unhealthy processed foods that take up so much of the grocery aisles and the chemicals that invade our homes. Two years ago she joined Young Living, through which she is able to guide others toward better health using other avenues off the yoga mat and outside the classroom. She aspires to incorporate some of this knowledge within her classes and of course welcomes anyone to contact her for more information!
All these “passion projects” do need support from what we might call a “real job”, so Jenelle also currently works full-time at Gundersen doing insurance prior authorization for the Physical and Occupational Therapy Department.
But don’t think Jenelle is always working!!! Health and wellness for her extends to the out-of-doors too! Most weekends you will find her “up North” with family at their lake home. Paddle boarding, watching sunsets on the pontoon, hiking, biking and spending time with her 4 children and 2 grandsons all contribute to her full life adventure. And when she is not “on the go”, you might find her relaxing with her husband, enjoying a nice glass of wine or taking in some theater.
So, come join Jenelle in her adventures of wellness education at The Yoga Place! She teaches a dedicated class on Tuesdays at 5:15pm !!