New Year – New Changes

I have lost count now of the more than 20 years I have been guiding 108 Sun Salutations on January 1. Across 4 states, in different studios and amongst great communities of students, it always is a great energy to build and share! No matter how we look at a New Year, “change” is always in the air and transformation is inevitable through yoga. So, embrace some change and join us at The Yoga Place to experience the de-toxifying and clarifying effects of 108 Surya Namaskar on January 1, 2025!
Why 108??? The number 108 has been found to have significance across many cultures, scientific disciplines, religions, and spiritual traditions. This link continues to be a good place to go for a full view of this number’s meaning:
Think you could “never do it”? For myself (as I am sure for many others), the past 20 + New Years have not all been full of health and wellness…life happens. I have done 108 in a knee brace after a ski accident, did what I could after knee surgery, been menstruating (not a good time for jumping and heat, but slowed down and did what I could), and just in general some January 1 roll around and the energy just isn’t there. But, this is why tradition is a amazing and beautiful – no matter what is happening or how you have to approach any experience differently, in the end you will find joy and inspiration and learning in the process.
Students of all levels and all styles of yoga are welcome on this journey. There are many ways you can tailor this practice just for YOU! The building blocks will be given and you can go at the pace you are able and are comfortable with. Jumping is not required and who really “wants” to do 108 Chatturanga Dandasanas? Even through all those numerous variations, every group finds a collective rhythm to the practice no matter who is participating.
This collective rhythm begins slowly with reciting the 12 names and qualities of the Sun God. Twelve names, 12 Surya Namaskar, 10% done. The rest is built slowly and provides built in “breaks”, so if you have trouble pacing yourself, I’m there to help. And, there is no missing Savasana! The rest after an energetic practice is like no other…basking in accomplishment and appreciation for the coming year. January 2 will come with a little soreness, but for me it has been interesting to notice the changes in that soreness – sometimes hamstrings, sometimes arms, sometimes pectorals – good information for the work of transformation in the coming year.
2025 is offered HYBRID. It is great to see students from across states, different studios, and of all levels come together for this auspicious beginning. In person has limited space, so sign up NOW if you are in town. Otherwise, the online space is always open!
The 108 Sun Salutations are always done by donation. Please join in and support WAFER, the largest food pantry serving the LaCrosse, WI area.