

IN the World, not OF It

The last chapter of Light on Life begins as a reminder that this “goal” of Samadhi is a worthy one. It might take effort to continue on the path of…


I am (not) I

“Before we can understand the Universal Soul, we must understand our own, and before we understand our soul, we must explore all that eclipses our true selves, especially the wily…


The Innermost Quest

So, admittedly the last couple of weeks have been difficult to decide what to write on. Our reading in Light on Life has turned an interesting corner and one that…


Wisdom of Mind

Last week in Light on Life we turned the corner of understanding yoga practice from the external practice to the internal quest … from the physical to the mental layers.…


Conscious Consciousness

The reading in Light on Life for this past week covers a topic that I find fascinating (I have an older blog about it if you want to read it…


From Evolution to Involution

The next section of reading begins to try to help us understand the bridge between the external and internal work of yoga. As we become aware of how our body…


Pain and Power

“Pain is temporary. Freedom is permanent.” BKS Iyengar This week’s reading begins with a discussion on PAIN. This, I feel, is an important topic that I hope we all can…


The Laboratory of Life

“As you explore your own body, you are in fact exploring this element of nature itself. You are also developing the qualities of earth within yourself: solidity, shape, firmness, and…


Between Earth and Sky

“I wanted to find out who I was. I wanted to understand this mysterious and marvelous ‘yoga’, which could reveal to us our innermost secrets, as equally as it revealed…