Know Thyself
As we look a little deeper into the 27th sutra of the second chapter of The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, it is helpful to again state that this journey is…
Sadhana – Practice of Life and Yoga
The term “sadhana” in yoga is an important one to understand. In the west we tend to translate this as “practice”, or even “disciplined practice”, but that just doesn’t seem…
The Yoga Place Online
I have decided to try to get a blog out daily, even a short one, during this strange time. We want you to know that we are striving to make…
Ignorance and Ego
For our April 26th Yoga Sutra discussion we will be reading Sutras II.4, II.5, and II.6. This will begin our deep dives into each of the afflictions (klesas) we face…
LIVE in Yoga
The Yoga Place is now officially online, so I guess you could say we are “live” as of this week. But, as students of yoga, we also are trying to…
Support and Service through Yoga
Yes, these are crazy times we are living in at the moment. But, I have to say that the Iyengar Yoga Global Community might be the fastest and the strongest…
Alignment in Yoga
“Alignment” seems to be a hot topic or at least a buzz word in yoga circles these days. For Iyengar Yogis though, it is old news, and for us it…
The Pose is Not the Point
Yoga is weird. I mean, let’s face it, the physical practice of asana can be odd and disorienting. Most of what we ask of students in a yoga class is…