

LOVE the Yamas

Love is the common thread throughout the Yamas, the moral foundations of Yoga : non-violence, truth, non-stealing, moderation, and non-hoarding.


Guidance and Practice

Guidance is needed on this path of yoga. Who do we turn to in this modern age to shed light on this vast subject?


Obstacles and Remedies

The path of yoga requires one-pointed focus and attention to face and overcome obstacles in our way. Be aware of the obstacles and know their remedies!


Many Paths

In our second week of reading the Introduction to “Light on Yoga”, we learn about the many paths individuals might follow in yoga and some of the obstacles we could encounter.


What Is Yoga?

The Introduction to “Light on Yoga” by BKS Iyengar is amazingly full of philosophical depth. Read along and discover the many answers to the question “What is Yoga?”.


New Year – New Changes

Join us for our traditional 108 Sun Salutations on January 1, 2025. The New Year always brings new changes, so embrace them through yoga!


Never THAT Easy!

Does he pick up the sword? Or does he falter? What if it is both? The spiritual journey is not an easy one to take on, but now we know the ways and means to approach it.


Divine or Degenerate?

We are nearing the end of The Bhagavad Gita and Krishna is trying to describe “divine action and faith” in comparison to “degenerate action and faith” for Arjuna to proceed on his dharmic path.


Consciousness and Cosmos

Chapters 14 and 15 continue to describe the energies that make up all of Nature (the gunas) in relation to the pure consciousness of our True Self (jiva), ending with a final description of the vast and “most high” power and energy of the cosmos.


Matter vs. Spirit

Chapter 13 is a nice recap and review of many of the previous themes in The Bhagavad Gita. Bringing more clarity to distinguishing matter from spirit.