A New Year for Yoga
Well 2020 was a weird one, huh? It was a new year full of new experiences that I am not sure any one of us could have predicted. Even the…
Observe Your Self – The Niyamas
The principles of Niyama…emphasize the importance of self-discipline. Mastery of yoga would be unrealizable without the observance of the ethical principles of yama and niyama. BKS Iyengar – Light on…
Yoga’s Moral Depth – The YAMAS
“The YAMAS are the great, mighty, universal vows, unconditioned by place, time, and class.” Yoga Sutra II.31 – BKS Iyengar in “Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali” Yoga is…
You Find Out!
December 7th is the Birthday of Geeta Iyengar, BKS Iyengar’s daughter. After her passing two years ago, today she would have been 76. Geeta was a strong and impressionable teacher…
Discrimination and Introspection
With the last couple of Yoga Sutra discussion meetings, we covered the Yoga Sutras that list and give the definitions and results of developing the Yamas and the Niyamas, the…
The Niyamas – Sutra Study on Nov 22
I am sorry I am late with this post covering our last Yoga Sutra discussion on the first limb of yoga, The Yamas (moral precepts), along with our next assignment…
Marvelous, Awesome, and Saintly Breath
This last weekend with Prashant Iyengar covered the importance of “breath participation” in asana, in therapy, and well, in pretty much everything. When we look at the breath we have…
The Prismatic Effect
Weekend three with Prashant Iyengar took us down some familiar “schemes and themes” of his study and exploration of asanas. Last weekend he talked a lot about discovering and figuring…