

Trauma, Recovery, Yoga

I first met Sara Anderson, author of STROKE: overcoming my worst nightmare, when I moved to LaCrosse in April. Being a student of Chris Saudek’s and interested in her therapeutic…


Triang Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana

Just thought I would throw one out there that looks like a tongue twister, but by the end of this session, you might start to catch a glimpse of how…


Meditation in Action

BKS Iyengar is well known for bringing stability and alignment to the physical practice of asana; bringing the mind and the body onto the same level to create what he…


Sage Marichi – A “Light” of Yoga

I hope all of you enjoyed week 2 of our Sanskrit lesson of the body parts! Are you able to repeat a few of those simple names for your hands,…


Yoga Philosophy in Action!

I think that most people who practice yoga do know there is a whole philosophy behind the physical postures. Some dismiss it as something separate from the physical practice, but…


Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes

What’s on the Sanskrit board this week you ask? Body parts! When we think of yoga posture, it is of course made up of actions of our physical body. In…


Observe the Change…

If you have been attending class at The Yoga Place this session, you might be noticing some subtle changes. Nothing big, just some new photos and studio decoration to remind…


The Warriors of Yoga??

Our first week of Sanskrit study involves poses that are named after the warrior, Virabhadra. And, in rereading the story behind this great warrior, I am reminded of some of…


Sanskrit – Yoga’s Universal Language

Many of you have participated in the Home Practice Workshops in recent months here at The Yoga Place. The biggest sticking point that comes up most during the perusal of…


Francie Ricks – In her own words

The last of our “meet the teacher” blogs is here and I want to thank everyone for their participation! It has been a great way for me to get to…