

Divinity Within Reality

“the long journey from taking a bath to meeting God” At the end of Light on Life, BKS Iyengar leaves us with the reminder of the importance of the first…


IN the World, not OF It

The last chapter of Light on Life begins as a reminder that this “goal” of Samadhi is a worthy one. It might take effort to continue on the path of…


Jennie Williford

From Texas, to Illinois, to Montana, to now Wisconsin, Jennie Williford’s life has taken turns she would have never expected or predicted, but in the end has given her a…


The Goal-less Goal

“The yogi is engaged in a game with no end, for the game is simply the sight of his/her own soul” As we are nearing the end of Light on…


Jarad Barkeim

Jarad first moved to La Crosse in 1998 to pursue and later receive a degree in science education from the University of Wisconsin – La Crosse.  It was here that…


I am (not) I

“Before we can understand the Universal Soul, we must understand our own, and before we understand our soul, we must explore all that eclipses our true selves, especially the wily…


Cynthia (Sam) Licht

Cynthia (Sam) Licht was born in Evanston, IL and seemed to be guided to therapeutic work from an early age. Straight out of High School, Sam was introduced to Physical…


The Innermost Quest

So, admittedly the last couple of weeks have been difficult to decide what to write on. Our reading in Light on Life has turned an interesting corner and one that…


Wisdom of Mind

Last week in Light on Life we turned the corner of understanding yoga practice from the external practice to the internal quest … from the physical to the mental layers.…


Chris Saudek

Chris Saudek has had a long, steady, and loving relationship with Iyengar Yoga that began innocently enough at a summer camp with a friend in order to find some stress…