

Let the Sun Shine !!

Last day classes…so much gratitude… The morning was for Pranayama, and as expected it was lovely and healing. We worked on the waves of Viloma breath and spread Prana like…


Enjoy Your Flight!

We were all sure it was going to be back bends this morning , and then….Urdhva Hastasana, Uttanasana, jump back to Adho Mukha Svanasana … you get the idea… JUMPINGS…


Twist and …

Today was one of those days that was just a perfect balance of work in asana and rest and surrender in simple Savasana and Pranayama (Abhyasa and Vairagya). Twists are…


Hope and Courage

Day three I awoke to another beautiful sunrise above the Big-D, which could arguably be mistaken for Pune, India if I squint a bit. Though I suspected it might be…


Pain AND Pleasure

Day two I am trying to remain in that present state, ATHA, but I am also all too aware that these 6 days will pass by faster than I would…


Purity and Discernment

What a great first day with Abhijata! I am sure we will all be feeling our hips and buttocks tomorrow after all our “hip replacements” in standing poses this morning.…


Introduction to Convention

Every 3 years, the Iyengar Yoga National Association of the United States – IYNAUS – community organizes itself around a convention for practice and celebration of our lineage. First BKS…


Welcome Jennie Williford

Welcome Jennie Williford, CIYT at Intermediate Junior III,  to The Yoga Place! Jennie is not a strange face to our studio, having been a student of Chris Saudek’s for the last…