

Building Discrimination with Warrior I

Day 3 of Abhijata’s celebration was a study of Virabhadrasana I (Warrior I). It reminded me of the approach Prashant Iyengar takes with his book, Alpha and Omega of Trikonasana.…


Time and Tenacity

On our second day of celebration with Abhijata Iyengar, she reminded us that as Iyengar Yoga practitioners we follow a “typical practice cycle” through time – whether it be a…

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Happy 103!

December 14th is BKS Iyengar’s birthday and he would have been 103 this year! His daughter, Geeta Iyengar, and part of the great legacy of teaching in this method, was…


Yogi Knowledge : Of Self and Universe

In our last Yoga Sutra discussion group we discussed sutras 27-29 in the Third Chapter on “yogic powers”. In these sutras it becomes clear in the various commentaries that the…

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Salute the Sun!

As winter is upon us, the weather chills and the external sun is not seen as often. However, our yoga practice is always there to kindle the heat of the…


Internal and External Universe

Our last discussion of The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali revolved around a more integrated understanding of “strength”. The practice of yoga leads toward perfection in compassion and friendliness in all…


How’s Your Back?

Back issues are one of the biggest reasons students seek out a yoga class – neck pain? lower back pain? upper back stiffness? The spine and the back are part…


Friendliness, Strength, and Inner Light

In our last Yoga Sutra discussion group, we covered the yoga sutras in the third chapter highlighting the “powers” that arise from the heightening and integration of the senses –…


What’s In a Name ?- Sanskrit in Action and Asana

As time is flying and Fall is arriving, time to look ahead and plan some more in-depth study for the Monday night specials. For October, we thought we would revisit…


The Subtle Body, Senses, and Fruits of Action

As we proceed with the “naturally super” powers of yoga explained within the third chapter of The Yoga Sutras, we must continue to discuss the concepts of samyama (integration), samadhi…